A selection of some of my work

Poppies are one of the first perennials to show on this bank. Their bright colour has totally changed this area of the garden.


Screening of a compost area has shadowy benefits.

In the heart of Torquay giants live. Giant Echiums

providing important nectar

to keep the native bees alive.

Wild flowers around the apple tree and a hidden lawn with a living screen.


Keping an eye on the garden on a cloudy day.

More giants in Torquay.

Tulips and Forget-Me-Nots after the snow.


Every garden should have one.

Spot the hammock.

The entrance to the wedding garden

A bright spring display in Torquay

Verbena bonariensis and Lychnis coronaria. 

River view

Opening up a doorway and planting and training a white scented Wisteria around the patio.

Trimming box hedges and topiaries.Cutting at the correct times prevents die back and irregular growth.  

Creating a meadow and wildflower walkway.

Planting around a hotel garden seat.

Lychis coronaria framing a view of the ornate gazebo.